Party Wall Services

The wall which you share with your neighbour is known as a Party Wall. The Party Wall Act is designed to help prevent and resolve disputes related to party walls, boundary walls and excavations near neighbouring buildings/structures. The procedures of the Act are mandatory when certain works are proposed, including inserting a damp proof course, raising/lowering a party wall, underpinning part of, or the whole of, a party wall, excavating for foundations or similar within 3m of a neighbour’s structure (and lower than its foundations) or proposing to build near the line of junction (boundary).

Fairclough & Dyer has been involved with Party Wall matters since the Act became Law across England in 1997. We are members of specialist Party Wall clubs, including the Pyramus and Thisbe Club, which discuss and debate party wall matters on a regular basis. Our expertise enables us to provide you with reliable advice and comprehensive services.